
Consent Project
With unfortunately many personal stories behind the origin of this ring (sadly I beleive it is impossible to find an AFAB individual who does not have a story), I wanted to encourage open conversation on consent, rape, and domestic violence. The more awareness there is, the better it is.
We all know Fight or Flight. But did you know that there are 5 “official” reactions, each valid and legitimate, and which allows our mind to protect itself as best it can: Fight, Flight, Friend, Freeze, and Flop. On your ring, or pendant you can choose which word you wish to have engraved, and for each sale 10 euros goes to the Collectif Feminist Contre le Viol, a charity that helps survivors.

BEAT Project
The breakout Ring was designed by myself and fashion designer Charli Cohen, inspired by the process of eating disorder recovery, which is how we met. My first year at university, and Charli's third, we were both suffering from anorexia and bulimia, Charli being futher along in her recovery than I was myself, she massively helped me with the first steps to getting better. Years later we decided to develop this ring, to help raise money for people going through something similar.
Ten euros from each ring sold will be donated to BEAT Eating Disorder charity.
Designed to look like a barbed wire, to represent the emprisoned feeling you have when suffering and recovering from an eating disorder, we wanted to take something "ugly" and make it beautiful.
Each piece is handmade by me to order, in sterling silver.

The Claw Ring
This ring is made in honour of my mother who is the bravest person I know!
She started with nothing and built a hairdressing empire and to honour that ten euros of each silver Claw ring sale goes directly to The Hair and Beauty Charity, supporting hair and beauty professionals who are experiencing tough times.
(This ring is also pretty good for self defence.)

The Survivor Ring
As a feminist, I believe that it's important to celebrate Boobies and free that nipple!
It is also important to support those who have been affected by breast cancer.
That's why €10 from each sale of each Survivor Ring goes to Coppafeel, a charity that helps raise awareness and early detection of breast cancer.